June 7, 2010

Nutella Panna Cotta

When I figured Ethan was old enough to have food with nut, I bought a big jar of Nutella. I was all excited anticipating he would be as crazy about it as those kids on TV commercial.

In fact, that's what I do. When Ethan shows interest to some specific food, I will stock it up. Like those 4000 packs of yogurt, 2000 boxes of Cheerio, 5000 packets of sliced cheese......because you have no idea when he will start his hunger strike again. Have to stuff his belly when he has appetite in case it never happens again.

And it turns out he will have it for a day or two before he loses interest to it and wants to have our food instead. So, the chances are either I have Cheerio yogurt shake 3 meals a day for months or you come across with recipe like this where you put your stupid stock in good use.

(serves 8)
1 tablespoon powdered gelatin
3 tablespoons cold water
1 cup Nutella
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2cups heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup whole milk
1/3 cup almond slices or chocolate chips to garnish

In a medium bowl, whisk together the gelatin and 3 tablespoons cold water.

Put the Nutella and salt in another medium bowl and set aside.

In a saucepan, bring the cream and vanilla to a boil. Pour 1/3 of the hot cream mixture over the gelatin and whisk it well. Then pour the gelatin mixture back into the remaining cream.

Pour about 1/3 of the cream mixture over the Nutella. Whisk well to form a smooth paste. Add the remaining cream mixture and whisk well to combine. 

Whisk in the milk.

Strain the mixture through a fine sieve into a big measurement cup, then divide it among eight ramekins, glasses or cups. Refrigerate until set, about 3 hours.

Garnish with almond slices or chocolate chips.


Belinda @zomppa said...

Who doesn't love Nutella?

Anonymous said...

looks like a real treat.

paz ;-)

Angie's Recipes said...

I love nutella....must give this recipe a try! Better than ice cream, I bet!

Brian Samuels Photography said...

Ok... I'm caving. I have a container of Nutella at home that needs to be used. I'm making this tonight!

Jeannie said...

That looks good! Pity no Nutella at the moment.

The Cilantropist said...

I love anything with Nutella in it! What kid (big or small) doesn't like Nutella? ;)

Victoria said...

Oh my! Nutella is one of my favorites and a panna cotta using this wonderful ingredient sounds amazing!

penny aka jeroxie said...

Faints! So so good.

pigpigscorner said...

What a great treat! I love nutella!

Biren said...

This looks like a real treat!

Plain Chicken said...

I have a jar of Nutella in the pantry - I need to make this!

Patricia Scarpin said...

I'm so glad you liked the recipe! And what an amazing photo - next time I'll borrow your idea of decorating the panna cotta with sliced almonds.

Magic of Spice said...

Looks so good:)

Claudia said...

This so invites. Nutella is a gem. And I would like your pantry for stocking!

Daydreamer Desserts said...

As soon as I saw the title of this post, I had to save it as a favorite!

Anonymous said...

This looks absolutely heavenly, truly decadent and delicious!
*kisses* HH

kathy gori said...

nutella is such an amazing food..can't wait to try this.

Laura said...

Best. Recipe. Ever. Bookmarked with a big fat star.
-Laura :)

CheapAppetite said...

i definitely love nutella. But it's pricier than regular peanut butter. So I didn't buy them as often. You're just like my mom. She kept buying food I showed interest even once. Then I had to eat them again and again whenever she bought them.

Lauren said...

Guess what I'm adding to my grocery list right now? That's right...Nutella! These are my two favorite Italian treats in one.
what a great idea, great job!

El said...

This looks amazingly rich and delicious. Can't wait to try it!

Healthy and Homemade said...

You had me at Nutella! Looks absolutely delicious.